Class Descriptions


Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic and flowing style of yoga that emphasizes the coordination of breath and movement. In Sanskrit, "vinyasa" translates to "connection" or "linking," and in the context of yoga, it refers to the synchronized flow between breath and a series of poses.

In a typical vinyasa class, practitioners move through a sequence of poses, each connected by a specific breath pattern. The teacher guides students to transition smoothly from one pose to another, creating a continuous, dance-like flow. This style of yoga can be vigorous and is known for its ability to build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.


Yin yoga is a slow-paced and meditative style of yoga that focuses on passive stretching of the connective tissues in the body, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Unlike more dynamic styles of yoga, where poses are held for shorter durations, in yin yoga, poses are typically held for longer periods, ranging from one to several minutes. This extended duration allows for a deep release and relaxation in the targeted areas.

The practice of yin yoga often involves seated or reclined postures, and it is designed to complement the more active styles of yoga and physical activities. The emphasis on stillness and surrender in yin yoga encourages practitioners to explore a meditative state and cultivate mindfulness.


Power yoga is a dynamic and fitness-oriented style of yoga that combines elements of traditional yoga with a more vigorous and energetic approach.

Developed in the late 20th century, power yoga aims to provide a challenging workout for both the body and the mind. While it draws inspiration from Ashtanga yoga, power yoga classes may vary widely in terms of sequence and structure.


Hatha yoga is a traditional and foundational style of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama). The word "hatha" is a combination of "ha," meaning sun, and "tha," meaning moon, symbolizing the balance between opposing forces. Hatha yoga seeks to bring balance to the body and mind.

Hatha yoga is often regarded as a gentle and accessible entry point for those new to yoga. It provides a solid foundation for understanding basic yoga principles and can be a valuable practice for individuals seeking balance, relaxation, and a connection between the body and mind.

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